MacTCP is a product from Apple Computer, Inc. that allows Macintosh software use the TCP/IP protocols. Fetch will use MacTCP if it is installed; otherwise it will use Dartmouth’s own KSP protocol and a special network gateway. A message in the About Fetch... dialog box indicates whether MacTCP or KSP is currently being used.
If you have configured MacTCP incorrectly Fetch will not be able to connect or transfer files. You should either fix the configuration problem or remove MacTCP and reboot; then Fetch will use KSP (assuming you are at Dartmouth).
MacTCP is available from the Apple Programmer’s and Developer’s Association, as well as some dealers and mail order companies, under the product name “TCP/IP Connection for Macintosh.” MacTCP is also included with Adam Engst’s “The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh” from Hayden Books (send e-mail to for information). The current version of MacTCP is 2.0.4, and a number of problems have been observed with earlier versions so it is important to get the latest version.